How do I create a new form?

Creating a new form in Lead Booster Pro is quick and easy. Follow these steps to get started.

1. Open your organization

  • Select the organization for which you want to create the form.
  • Navigate to the Forms section in your dashboard.
Organizations dashboard in Lead Booster Pro

2. Create a new form

  • Click the Create a form button.
  • A popup will appear to choose a template.
Forms overview with empty forms in Lead Booster Pro

3. Select template

  • Choose between Empty and Recommended templates.
  • Empty: A blank canvas with no pre-set elements.
  • Recommended: A starter form with essential fields already configured.
Select modal for the form template in Lead Booster Pro

4. Customize your form

Begin editing your form by adding, removing, or tweaking fields and steps to fit your needs.

Form editor view after choosing "recommended" template in Lead Booster Pro